Postpartum Update: 1 week

I can’t believe that 10 days ago I gave birth to my beautiful little Edith. She is quickly getting bigger and more interactive everyday.  It still amazes me that she is really here and she is our little girl.  I often find myself just staring at her for hours, especially after she has just nursed and is passed out on my chest or lap.

How I am healing: I am healing slowly but surely.  Unfortunately I had a 2nd degree tear which required stitches and 2 skid marks from giving birth so my healing time is a little slow.  I find at times, especially if I am on my feet for too long that I tend to get really sore down there.

Activity: My activity level is pretty limited right now due to my healing. Last Saturday I thought I was super woman and decided to head out to the farmers market with Neil only to find that the walk from the car to the market (about 1/2 mile) I was super sore and spent my time sitting on a bench while Neil ran around and picked up veggies, bread and fresh squeezed juices.  I also ended up having my first public nursing session (thank goodness for Aden & Anais blankets). Otherwise my activity includes kegels and a few standing crunches per my midwives recommendations.

Weight: At 39 Weeks 4 Day I had gained 34lbs and since giving birth I have lost 16lbs.  At this point I am not focusing on my weight but rather on healing and spending time bonding with my baby.  Would I like to get back to my per-pregnancy weight? Of course I would but I am not dwelling on it and I’m not rushing myself to get back to physical activity until my body is good and ready.

Catching up? You can read about Edie’s Birth here–> Edith’s Birth Story Part One.. and Edith’s Birth Story Part Two… and Edith’s Birth Story Part Three… and Edith’s Birth  Story Part Four… Also you can head over the Naturally Family and read our Doula’s Story.


  1. She’s so beautiful and you look great. I’d love more of an update on how breastfeeding is going if you have some time for that post eventually!

  2. Allie @ Healthy Balance, Healthy Life

    I love all the updates. I wish there was a way to explain how sweet and funny she is through text but there are no words for how much of a love she is!

  3. mom

    You look good honey and that pic of Edie in the pink outfit is just darling. I just love the pics of her and Dad
    is loving them too. She is the sweetest and we love her. Love you

  4. Autumn Tao

    Congrats. You look great! Edith is *beautiful* too. My little guy is 2 days late… on the edge of my seat!! Also doing placenta encapsulation, so I look forward to reading your thoughts.

    Renée in Jersey

  5. Helen

    You (and Edie!) look absolutely fantastic. You just look like you are so thrilled and happy! I love seeing this. Makes me more and more excited for my baby girl to come next month! Can’t wait for other updates!

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