Blog 365 // Day 5 // DietBet Round 2


First off let’s all just say Happy Birthday to Neil who turns the big 3-4 today! Sending him lots of love today. 

Anyways onto today’s blog topic: DietBet. As you know I hosted a game back in November and while I didn’t lose the 4% body weight (that’s part of the goal of the game for those of you who might not be familiar) I did find the experience to be an overall positive one. I found myself focusing on me, my health and ultimately I saw results despite the scale not dropping very much. 

I had thought about hosting another game but when I saw that Emily was hosting her own game I decided to jump on board and participate. I have to be honest and say I let December get the best of me and I ended up back up four pounds and definitely let my workouts and healthy eating slide. That being said I am basically back at the same starting position as I was in November but this time around I know how much of a positive difference DietBet made on my life that I am ready to take it on again and hopefully drop the weight. To help matters I am starting my Quarter Marathon training today. It’s kind of a crazy, big day but I am ready to take it on. 2015 is going to be my year I can just feel it. 

Let’s rewind a minute and talk a little more about DietBet because I’m going to tell you the name of this game really turns me off. I am not about being on a diet and I really just don’t love the word because it is often associated with crash diets, extreme diets and temporary ways of eating. For me my diet is not at all about any of those things but rather a lifestyle. My diet is what I eat everyday and while I try new proportions of things you will find me eating a (usually) healthy plant-based diet. I actually wanted nothing to do with DietBet for the longest time simply because I didn’t like the name or the idea of a game around losing weight but once I tried it I actually found myself having fun, feeling inspired and now I am at it again – this time simply as a paying player. 

I don’t have before photos to show you right now because well they are just a hot mess. I ended up getting my weigh in photos in just under the wire last night and they are crazy looking. I’m glad only the DietBet Refs (and Neil and myself) are the only ones to see them. I’m going to have Neil take photos of me and I’ll share them later this week. I’m also going to take measurements this time around. So there it is round 2 of DietBet. 


Goals for the day: complete run #1 of my training plan and make it through the first day home alone with the kids in nearly two weeks. 

Eats of the day: Big bowl of greens, sweet brown rice, refried black beans, veggies and avocado. 

Quote of the day: No Matter How Slow You Go You Are Lapping Everyone On the Couch. 

FITNESS FRIDAY | DietBet After and Beyond


Happy Fitness Friday on Saturday! You’d think I’d get myself in a better routine so I wasn’t posting a day late but alas a day late is better than never right? Or maybe I should just change this post to [fill in the blank] Saturday – leave your ideas in the comments.

So Monday marks the end of my DietBet game and well I’ll just come out and say it I didn’t win. I had to lose around 9 pounds to win and that being said I knew it would be a long shot. That all being said I did lose 4 pounds! That’s 1 pound per week which I think it is a pretty healthy amount of weight. On top of losing a few pounds I have also got myself back into a semi-regular fitness routine and have improved my diet. While I have made improvements over the past four weeks there is still a long way to go before I reach my final goals.

DietBet Before & After

So what’s next? Like I said I have got myself back on a semi-regular fitness routine and my goal is to make it a regular routine. To do so Neil and I are going to sit down this weekend and come up with a workout time plan so that both of us are really able to take time during the week to workout without guilt. I say without guilt because as parents of two small children it can sometimes be mentally really challenging to make time for yourself and commit to that but we both know we need to so we are making it a priority.

I also have been doing okay with drinking enough water but I sometimes have days when I completely forget about it and just don’t drink enough. Lately I have been having a harder time because Neil “stole” my Blender bottle aka my favorite water bottle and so I haven’t been drinking as much as I should be. That being said I am going to get myself a new Blender bottle and make it my goal to drink at least 4-28oz bottles by 7pm.

Lastly, while eating healthy is going pretty well I am focusing on eating well about 75% of the time and I would really like it to be more like 85-90% of the time. I am all about eating in moderation so I do think that there is a time and place to indulge a little but I know that sometimes I indulge more than I need to. To help me be successful I am making it my goal to do bi-weekly meal planning and weekly meal prep. I also am going to make sure to buy more healthy snacks to have in the house because that is one of my downfalls. I don’t buy enough healthy snacks and then I am feeling snack-y and pick up rice chips or bean chips from Whole Foods and Neil and I eat an entire bag – not good!

Fitness Friday | DietBet Update & Kara Goucher


Happy Fri….errr Saturday! Sorry this post is a day late but yesterday ended up being crazy busy and we were out of the house from 8am-8pm! Yikes! Friday night is also our no-computer at home date night so as soon as we got home it was kids to bed, make a quick curry and (frozen) dumplings, pour a glass of wine and crash on the couch with The Blacklist. 

Hiking last Sunday

Hiking last Sunday

So here it is the DietBet halfway update. So far as of last Sunday I am 20% to my DietBet goal weight. I don’t weigh in again until tomorrow morning but I unfortunately don’t think it has changed much since last week. That being said what has changed for the better is my activity level and diet. So far things are moving in the direction I want: weight (slowly) going down, activity level going up and diet becoming cleaner and cleaner. 

So what are my goals for the next two weeks?  Run more, hike more, walk more, strength train, and lots of yoga. Focus on eating really well/clean 80-90% of the time (right now I am closer to 65-75%) and create a clean pantry/fridge aka stock up on lots of whole grains, beans, fruits and veggies and reduce packaged goods. Lastly, get organized, declutter and do something for myself that nourishes my mind, body and soul. 



Since I am a huge fan of Kara Goucher I wanted to share with you that she is goinng to be on the cover of the November/December issue of Women’s Running Magazine which hits stands November 11th.  

Included in the magazine will be a day in the life feature story of Kara that highlights her training techniques, eating habits and  inner-most thoughts. I don’t know about you but I LOVE day in the life posts and vlogs. They are one of my favorite types of blogs to read and now that I am writing this I am thinking I should really include more on my blog – what do you think?

Anyways in the November/December issue of Women’s Running Magazine Kara’s life is in full display as she shares the contents of her fridge, her lip gloss hoarding problem, and her training routine which includes two-hour full-body sports massage (where do I sign up?) from her therapist of 15 years, Allan Kupczak. 

One thing that really draws me to follow Kara and her life is that she is also a mom. Kara is mom to four-year-old Colt. Though pregnancy was a tricky proposition given her career, Kara said motherhood “was the best decision I ever made.” I have to agree with her it is really the best decision that I’ve ever made as well. 

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this issue of the magazine in exchange for sharing the news of Kara Goucher’s cover.  

FITNESS FRIDAY| Race Training Plans & DietBet Before


Let’s start this off by saying I did not follow my workout plan schedule at all this week. I did get out for a few good walks with the new BOB Revolution Flex Dualie but otherwise I didn’t go to yoga or do any strength training or running. Let’s call this week a wash and focus on the next. 

So now that we have talked about what I didn’t do this week let’s talk about what I plan on doing over the next 30ish weeks. Yes I plan on taking 30 weeks to train for my quarter marathon because when you have only gone on five runs in the past 12 months getting back to running takes time and for me it takes a good amount of time.

I plan on following a hybrid version of Jeff Galloway’s 5k and 10k plans starting with a few extra slow start weeks. Over the next three weeks I’m starting out slow with the goal to get in three 15-20 minute runs in each week. After that I will follow the Galloway 5k plan and then continue into the 10k plan based on where the 5k plan ends.

Along with training for my race I am making the commitment to myself and my yoga practice. I have a 10-class punch pas with only 1 punch out it so at least for the next 9ish weeks I will be going to at least one class per week. In addition to training and yoga I need to get back to a regular strength training routine so that is on the agenda as well. 

Okay so here is the last part of this post…

DietBet Before Photos

Dietbetbeforephotoside dietbetbeforephotofront

Now I debated telling you my starting weight and maybe I will but honestly I am embarrassed. I know that I need to be kind to myself and remember that over the last three years I have been pregnant twice and am now nursing so this will all take time. Nevertheless the number is not my favorite. That being said I will tell you my 4% that I need to lose to win is about 9lbs so from that if you really want to figure out the math you can figure out my starting weight. 

As I shared on Wednesday my goal and purpose for hosting and participating in this DietBet is to get myself back on track. It’s to work with others to accomplish our health and fitness goals and if I happen to lose the 9lbs I need to be able to win then great. I am not going to be cutting tons of calories or working out for 4 hours a day (not like I have time). Also first and foremost comes making sure that I keep my milk supply up because feeding Alder is my priority. 

So here I go. The journey officially starts on Monday and will last for 28 days. At the end of it I will share with you just how much I did lose and my final photos. Along the way I’ll check in with how things are going and other related things. 

*These are not my official photos that I submit to DietBet. Tomorrow I will take new photos one of me on the scale airport security style and one of the number on the scale with my weigh in word. You can learn more about that here.

Learn more about the RWT DietBet game and how you can join! 

BODY AFTER BABY| DietBet & My Eating For Energy E-Book

I blogged a few weeks ago about my Body After Baby plans and well I guess now is a better time than ever to jumpstart this process.


 I was approached a few months ago about hosting a DietBet game and at the time I wasn’t taking on a new projects but after lots of consideration I have decided to host my own DietBet starting October 27th!

I’m at that place where I know all of the things I need to do to help lose the weight but more than that get myself back to that healthy state that I once was in but I could use a little support. I know the health changes I need to make (ie. improve eating, get my body moving more, drink more water, take more time for myself, ect.) and I know that when I have the support of others I am more likely to achieve my goals.  

That all being said I have been a health coach for four (almost five) years now and I have been working to support a number of individuals to achieve a variety of health and fitness goals and after taking a little bit of time off from actively working I’m ready to get back at it. So my first goal is to help guide my DietBet team through this journey by providing health coaching support through healthy living tips, recipes, e-mail support and weekly check-ins and hopefully you’ll find support from each other as well.

DietBetting is about believing in yourself and investing in your health. It’s not about crash diets or other unhealthy modes of weight loss (I would like to make it clear I do not support or endorse unhealthy modes of weight loss.) It’s about saying that YOU ARE WORTH IT! You are worth the small $25 and you are worth the time. Who’s ready to join me and the others who have already signed up? Still unsure? Keep reading. 

Sign up today and receive my Eating for Energy E-Book. 

eating for energy

This book is filled with tips on how to increase your energy while making improvements to you diet and lifestyle. Learn what foods help to increase energy and what foods decrease energy. Also included is a delicious energizing menu to help you get started. So are you ready to join me now? No? Well consider this then creating an account is free and they can join a game and check it out for 7 days and still get a full refund if they decide it’s not for you. 

I hope that you join me and we can spend the next 28 days working together to accomplish our weight loss and health goals. Don’t worry this game will end in plenty of time for you to weigh in before heading out to Thanksgiving dinner (and you won’t have to worry about it during the Holiday). 

Have you ever participated in a DietBet? Why did you or why have you decided to participate in the RWT DietBet game?

September 2014 (I'll post my before photos this Fitness Friday)

September 2014 (I’ll post my before photos this Fitness Friday)

So why did I decide to host and participate in a DietBet? Well it’s no secret that I’d like to lose a few pounds (or 60+ in the next 24 or so months). While I’m not sure that I will lose 4% of my body weight (that’s around 9lbs) I do think that it’s a good way to jump start my postpartum weight loss. My goal with this game is to create a community of players who can support each other with the main goal to be to create healthy eating and workout habits.

While winning the game would be great I think that is really just a bonus. I want to focus on eating well, working out and taking care of ourselves with the support of each other. Sometimes we just need to connect with others to help us jump start or maintain our healthy habits. So rather than thinking about this as a weight loss game I would like you to think about it as an opportunity to connect with others and find support to help lose weight. I would like to be clear that I do not support or endorse unhealthy measures to lose weight (ie. crash diets, diet pills, eating disorders) this game is about making healthy lifestyle changes to help you reach your weight loss goals.

Disclaimer: I received a credit to participate in this game. Neil is also participating and he paid for his own admission into the game. 

March in Review & Goals | April 2016


March was one of those months where I am wondering where it went and how is it possible that I haven’t gotten anything done. Okay that’s a bit dramatic but March was a terrible month when it comes to goals and productivity. We had family in town for a large chunk of the month which essentially through our lives off track for an extended period of time. Now April is just days away and I am ready to restart but let’s review my March goals just for laughs. 

March Goals 

+Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert 

I really thought that this would be the one goal that I would accomplish but if I’m being real I loved the first two sections of the book but by the third I just lost interest. The book ended up in our car and I just forgot about it. Maybe I’ll give it another try, maybe. 

+Workout at the gym 10 times.

This would be the goal I am the saddest about not accomplishing because I really wanted to make it to the gym 10 times but as I said above life was thrown a bit off track. I ended up at the gym five times and did a few home workouts and got out for lots of walks when we were in Bend

+Create an editorial. 

Yeah that editorial calendar? Still in the works but hey maybe I’ll finish it tomorrow and my goal will be accomplished in the month of March.  

+Visit Tea Bar. 

Yay! One of the goals that I actually did accomplish! Hubby and I went for a day date and we each had a boba tea and it was super tasty. PROOF.

+Focus on improving my Instagram accounts.

I think I am just re-evaluating this all together. I don’t feel too bad about not accomplishing this goal. I have been really focusing more on blog content for this blog (RWT), Naturally Family (NF) and my beauty(ish) blog Naturally Lindsay (NL). 

So now that we have reviewed last month let’s see what’s on the agenda this month.

April Goals

+Create more blog content.

I have so many blog post ideas just buzzing around in my head but what I really need to do is actually write them down and share them with you. Ideally I would like to post 8 posts to RWT, 6 posts to NF and 4 posts to NL. 

+Carve out time each week to work.

I find myself scrambling to get work done through out the day but I rarely get any uninterrupted time to actually work. A post or project that would normally take me 30-40 minutes often take closer to 60+ with interruptions such as the littles needing something, a playdate, housework, meals, etc. This month I am taking making time to have 2-4 hours each week that are just for me to work. 

+10 Gym Workouts + Daily Workouts.

Let’s try this again. I want to do 10 gym workouts minimum this month. I also want to get at least 10 minutes of workouts each day this month whether that’s (at least) 10 minutes of yoga, barre3, running, weights, HIIT, or walking.

+Clean up my diet.

I have been eating a lot of foods lately that haven’t been making me feel healthy and energized. This month I’m getting my diet back on track to lots of fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains. 

+Get out for at least three social events.

These events don’t have to be huge it could simply be getting out for a drink or dinner with a friend or it could be a blogger event or something similar. Just something that takes me out of the house, forces me to put on real pants and has me interacting with other adults. 

Goals are set so it’s time to put them into action!

Share In The Comments Below: What are you goals for this month?

June Goals | barre3, Eat Your Greens, H2O and more


I haven’t done a goals post in a few months so I thought it was about time I checked in with some current goals. If you follow my @runwithtongs.bodyafterbabies instagram account the photo above is probably familiar. For those of you who might be curious about why I started yet another instagram account well I started it because I wanted a place to basically track my workouts and since I didn’t want to flood @runwithtongs with barre3 and other workout photos I figured I’d turn my old BBG instagram into a workout (with some food) instagram. Anyways lets get on to the goals.

1. Complete the barre3 Anywhere Challenge. I blogged about starting this challenge, which started June 1st, back at the end of May. We are now a week in and I have to say I am not thrilled with my progress but I still have 23 days left and 14 workouts to go which I think is pretty do-able. The only thing I have slacked on are the recipes but I’ll give them a try later this week. I also really want to make time for the podcasts and such. Anyways so far I am loving the challenge and can’t wait to complete it this month. 

2. Eat more greens. I tell you I go through phases of eating greens with every meal to meals that are pretty beige. This month it’s all about getting those greens back into my diet. In the morning I like to add greens to smoothie bowls or if I’m going savory I like to do a hash with potatoes, veggies and greens. At lunch generally I go for a salad or simple place my meal on a bed of greens. Dinner is usually similar to lunch but sometimes I like to mix things up and sneak my greens in through a pesto or toss baby spinach in with a curry, rice or pasta dish. 

3. Drink more water. I blame my not drinking enough water on my Blender Bottle* being left in the car. I don’t know what it is about that bottle but when I have it I drink around a gallon of water per day. Without it I’m lucky if I get in two liters and I can completely tell the difference. This month it’s all about getting in the water and I’m thinking I need to add buy more Blender Bottle’s to the list.

4. Spend more time outdoors. You’d think that being a SAHM that I would get outside more with the kids but honestly there are days we don’t go much further than the mailbox. I know it’s sad and embarrassing but it’s reality. That being said I’m working to make being outside the norm because we all feel better when we get outdoors. 

5. Clean my home. Again one of those common misconceptions that being a SAHM means your house is in perfect condition all the time. I’l put it to you this way two kids + two adults = non-stop laundry, 90% of your meals are eaten at home = non-stop dishes, combine this with two kids who dump buckets of toys on the floor all day and a baby who doesn’t want to be put down for naps ….basically the house is never clean. I’m working to change all this by attempting a more minimalist lifestyle and I also think spending more time outdoors will help as well. 

What are your June Goals?

*affiliate link.