Last Minute Stocking Stuffers


STRONG & KIND Bars: These are the perfect stocking stuffer for the person who is really into savory foods or for someone who loves a sweet and salty combination. We received a box of these bars to try (thank you KIND) and I have been loving (most) of them. These bars include pea protein making them a great protein source and they also have all 9 essential amino acids. Oh and they taste great. My favorite flavors are honey mustard and honey smoked BBQ. I also liked the hickory and jalapeno but the Thai chili just wasn’t for me. 

Eat Nakd Bars: Of course if I included a savory bar I felt like it was in order to also feature a sweet bar as well. I first came across these bars on Instagram and had to try them. After trying most of the flavors the rhubarb & custard is my absolute favorite. These bars are made from raw fruits and nuts and are gluten and wheat free and vegan! Most only have 3 total ingredients. P.S. I’ll have a giveaway for these bars soon so stay tuned to learn how you can win your own box. 

eos Lip Balm: Seriously one of my favorite lip balms. They are moisturizing and they come in great flavors and who doesn’t love the round shape? I found this set on Amazon and the great part is that you can break the package up and include them a few stockings. 

Dream Zone Sleep Mask: There is not a night that goes by that I don’t use a sleep mask. I became addicted to them when my friend Laura made me one for Christmas many years ago and now I can’t sleep without one. I actually received this exact mask last year in my stocking from Neil. 

Weleda Indulgent Body Lotion Kit: I love to have little travel sized lotions to throw into my purse especially in the winter. This pack has four different lotions all mosturizing and all with their own benefits. Again this is another great kit to buy and distribute among a few stockings. 

Bombas Socks: I know socks are kind of boring but we all wear socks or at least most of us do so they are perfect for a stocking. Plus these socks are awesome! Super comfy and supportive and the perfect gift for him or her. 

Disclaimer: This post is NOT sponsored. There are a few affiliate links include. 


  1. Those sound nice! I can always use more good quality lip balms.

    I bought my mom a vegetable peeler stocking stuffer the other day… practical but hers is rusty and dull. I realized kitchen tools are great stocking stuffers, although they’re not super exciting! But great size and shape!

  2. Great idea for last minute stocking stuffers. I have not tried the EOS lip balm but must get some the next time we need more. I love all Weleda products, have to always have them in the house and the body lotion sampler is a wonderful gift for anyone. Perfect!

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