Fit Pregnancy: The Birthing Month

I have finally reached my birthing month. Today I am 36w4d pregnant and that means this baby could come (almost) anytime now. Since I was 10 days early with Edith I am keeping that in mind by also preparing myself to go to 42 weeks as well if that so happens (which I hope isn’t the case).


I have to say this pregnancy has been less intentionally active than I was when I was pregnant with Edith and more active as a result of having an active toddler. Before I go further lets compare the two pregnancies:

  • Pregnancy With Edith: (Working a desk job) daily 1-2+ mile walks, yoga class once per week, strength training 2-3x per week and yoga at home once per week
  • Pregnancy With Baby #2: (Stay-At-Home-Mom) chasing a crazy toddler, 1-2 mile walks 2x per week and yoga or prenatal workout video 2x per week.

As you can see my pregnancy with Edith had me sitting more hours during the day at my job but I was making time for consistent and intentional workouts. With baby #2 I have been trying to stay active with semi-intentional workouts but most of my time has been chasing Edith, cleaning or being up around moving around the house (less just sitting). However, once 35 weeks arrived I suddenly realized that this baby could come in as few as two weeks and I suddenly felt this crazy urge to get myself more intentionally active.

Since around 35w4d I have been going out for daily walks with Edith and/or Neil, working on squats around 10 per day held for 30-60 seconds each, lunges, and lots of cat-cow on top of chasing a toddler, packing our house and nesting. While this may not seem like much it is actually a significant change in my activity levels and I’m feeling great. Feeling ready to have this baby and want to make the point that it’s not too late to be intentionally active.

I don’t over do it, try not to push myself to much and am making sure to rest, drink tons of water and listen to my body. Now on to having this baby!

One Comment

  1. I can’t believe that baby is going to come soon!! I totally get how different two pregnancies could be, especially with a busy toddler. In all honesty, I would probably just count chasing E around as “a hard workout” haha!

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