The Reality Of My Day With No Sleep

bedIt’s 10pm and I’ve been asleep for a few hours already but I woke up dying for a giant glass of water and a bowl of cereal. I head to the kitchen and chug back a glass of water and then pour myself a big bowl of cereal with almond milk. I stand in the kitchen and eat my bowl of cereal and throw back another glass of water before heading back to bed. I’m back in bed at 10:15pm and asleep shortly after.

Then 3am rolls around I wake up and spend the next 20 minutes just laying there hoping to will myself back to sleep but it’s just not happening. I grab my phone and headphones and put an episode of The Office on, put my eye mask on and hope that I will fall back asleep while listening to Dwight and Jim play pranks on each other.

Well 5:27am rolls around and I’m still awake and at this point Edith is stirring. I rub her belly hoping that maybe just maybe she will go back to sleep for another 30-45minutes and that I will too because I know a long day is ahead of us. It’s 5:45am and Edith is wide awake, which means we are too.

We get ready for the day and decide to head out for a family breakfast date at Harlow where Edith and I share a delicious plate of polenta with kale, beans, tempeh and chipotle hollandaise and toast. Since finding a breakfast spot with good coffee is rare we make a quick stop at Heart to pick up coffees and unfortunately ended up getting a decaf and I know it’s better for baby #2 but this mama needed some “real” coffee today.

After dropping Neil off at work I attempted to go grocery shopping but I just couldn’t seem to focus. I picked up a few things and about 10 minutes into our trip I was feeling so tired and nauseous that I had to leave. Edith and I paid for our few random items and headed home. Next thing I know I look in the rear view mirror and see that Edith is passed out. For all you parents out there you know that 99% of the time this means that having an at home nap is out of the picture. In this case it meant no nap for me either; a nap I was counting on to make it until dinner (aka when Neil gets home).

Since then I have been in survival mode. We had a simple lunch of things I didn’t have to cook and have spent most of the day reading books and watching too much TV. Neil she be home from work soon and I hope that he can tire Edith out a bit so she goes to bed….err so we both go to bed early.

Tell me about your day!

Working Towards a Fit & Healthy Pregnancy

Screen Shot 2014-01-25 at 9.55.14 PMHello Second Trimester!

I went into the first trimester with the hopes of really kicking this pregnancy off with a super healthy start and honestly I fell short. The morning sickness set in hard and having an active toddler who doesn’t always like to nap through me for a bit of a loop. While this time around my food aversions were a bit more mild my gag reflex has been on over drive.

I know maybe a little TMI but I’m just going to tell it like it is. I have for the most part been able to stick to healthier eating because I still want salads, fruit, and other veggies unlike Edith’s pregnancy when all I wanted was citrus and bagels. However because my gag reflex has been so sensitive eating can be a challenge at times. Now I’m not talking vomiting (although that has happened this time which it didn’t with E) I am talking gagging like extreme gagging. Please tell me there is some other mama or mama-to-be out there that experienced this terrible pregnancy side effect. The worst part is drinking water actually triggered my reflex at times so I haven’t been drinking as much water as I should.

To top things off in the first trimester I was not getting in my workouts. A big part of this was just pure laziness. I was tired all the time due to the first trimester hormone rush and the fact that Edith went through a nap regression ie. she wouldn’t nap or would only nap on me. So getting in naptime workouts was a struggle and honestly when I did get a break I wanted to sleep instead of workout. At night I was going to bed at 7:30p with Edith because I was so exhausted.

So lets fast forward to the last few weeks. I finally am getting my energy back, my reflex has calmed down (although not disappeared) and I have been way more active. Neil and I got a couples gym membership to our local community center and it has been great because I get in a few workouts there per week and Edith and I go to the pool a few times per week. I am not getting in my goal of three gym workouts per week yet but I am working on it (right now I’m at 1-2). I also have been making more time to do workouts at home and have overall been more active while at home (ie. not sitting on the couch, laying in bed or just sitting around on the floor playing with Edith).

Now that I am feeling better I am determined to make this the most healthy pregnancy I can and somethings that I am doing/goals I have are:

  • Drink 70-100oz of water per day. I know that sounds like a lot to some of you but when you are pregnant you need to drink more water than you normally would. Right now I am closer to 64oz so I am working hard to increase that. One thing that I have been making an effort to do is to drink 1L of water first thing in the morning before I even eat. I find that this really helps me to stay on track during the day.
  • Workout 5 days per week. This is going to include a combination of at home workouts, walks during the day and gym workouts. Currently this is in the goal stage as I am consistently getting closer to 3 workouts per week. Time to up my game!
  • Bi-Weekly Prenatal Yoga (at a studio). This time around prenatal yoga is a little more challenging for me to get to due to Neil’s work schedule and the fact that many classes are during the day. When I was pregnant with Edith I didn’t have a toddler to care for as well so I was able to go 1-2x per week. This time around I am hoping to go at least every other week. I haven’t yet found a studio but I did some research this week and found two that offer a weekend class that I should be able to attend. So over the next few weeks I am going to go to both and see which one I enjoy more.
  • Eat 90% of meals at home. First trimester sickness and tiredness really put us in a downward spiral of eating too may meals outside the home or takeout meals. I would do great for breakfast, lunch and snacks but come dinner time I was wiped out. So we would turn to take out or dining out and although we tried to make healthier choices when doing so it will never be as healthy as eating at home.

What tips do you have for staying fit and healthy?

Currently 1.23.14

Currently Craving: Harlow Vegan Mac & Cheese

Currently Craving: Harlow Vegan Mac & Cheese

Thinking about:  How much work there is to do in this house before baby #2 arrives. We are the WORST when it comes to moving in and settling into a new home. Our downstairs office is still filled with half empty boxes and is a super mess. I have piles and piles of clothes to wash and put away (goal for today) and we just really need to get things organized. So that is what I am thinking about right now. I am working hard to find time during the day to focus on organizing but some days it just doesn’t happen for example Tuesday Edith was having a super cranky toddler day which meant I got nothing done, but that’s fine because I got to spend lots of time cuddling with her. I am really working on creating weekly goals and chores to keep myself on track. What system do you use?

Feeling: So much better! This pregnancy, just like Edith’s, started out with extreme morning sickness and while I still have an off day/afternoon here and there for the most part I am on the up swing!

Watching: Neil and I have been working to cut back on TV but we just finally caught up on Haven. Actually I fell asleep last night during the season finale episode so I will probably catch up during Edith’s nap aka my break time.

Reading: Nothing. I know I need to change this.

Looking forward to: Our midwife appointment tonight! It will be our first official appointment with our new midwife (my primary doctor is also a midwife but she isn’t accepting births for July/August).

Making me happy: Watching Edith develop! She is starting to talk more and more everyday. She is just an amazing kid.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

{Giveaway} Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation

The following post is sponsored by Girls Gone Sporty on behalf of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. All opinions are my own.

12week3I’m so excited to share with you an awesome giveaway that two lucky readers will win!

As you may remember this past October I took on the challenge to participate in Michelle Bridges 12-week Body Transformation 4-week program. This program included one week of prep and four weeks of of meal plans, workouts plans, mindset videos and lots of support from Michelle, her team and other participants.

After just four weeks I could really see and feel a difference in my body and my mindset on fitness and eating. I lost a little weight, my clothes fit better, I had an increase in energy, I got back on track with my workouts and the program helped me to eat more mindfully. You can check out my posts here:

This is one program that I ACTUALLY STUCK TO. While I had a few off days I hoped right back into things and I followed through with the four week program and I saw results. I found the prep week to be essential to my success because it helped me prepare for the weeks ahead. I was able to get myself in the right mindset and ready to take on the challenge rather than just jumping in. The workouts were just what I needed to stay on track with my workouts and I loved how flexible they were as well allowing me to chose my setting (indoors, outdoors, gym). Lastly, it was great to have others to connect with via the forums so that I could ask questions and find support to help me push through the hard days. Now you can take my word for it or you can see for yourself what this program is all about and luckily two readers will have their own chance to experience the full program for themselves!

michellebridgesSo the Pre-Season of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation Round 1 is currently in session and open for sign ups! Since Round 1 of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation kicks off February 3rd, 2014 and continues for 12 weeks the giveaway will be open until January 26th so that you have a full week to prepare! The awesome part is that everyone who signs up for Round 1 starts together and and finishes together so you will be taking on this journey with other participants who are ready to get their lives on a healthier track.

Other important facts about Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation:

  • Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformationn program is delivered online by Michelle herself, where she will be your trainer, coach, and mentor at a cost much lower than a personal trainer. The cost is $19.99 per week of $199 one-time-payment
  • Pre-season: Like any great journey, preparation is the key! Michelle has designed 12 Pre-Season tasks to set members up for success and get the most out of their upcoming 12WBT Round 1. Every few days of Pre-Season, a new task will be unlocked for members to complete. Don’t worry these task are EASY to fit in and like I said above they were essential for me to stay on track so don’t overlook them!
  • Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation is not a one size fits all program. It’s customizable based on your fitness level and goals such as weight loss, running or strength training. It is even customizable for those who are breastfeeding or pregnant!

Check out the success stories on YouTube:

So here is the moment you’ve been waiting for and I am so excited to have the opportunity to offer 2 of my readers full Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation memberships.

Giveaway ends January 26 at midnight EST. Enter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

12 Great Recipes For A Healthy New Year

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored opportunity with All opinions are my own and I am seriously loving these recipes.

So it’s that time of year again when we are all looking for healthy recipes to help us stay on track to accomplishing out healthy living goals. However we don’t just want healthy recipes we want recipes that are exciting, tastes good and satisfies all our cravings. I’ve created a collection of my favorite healthy recipes that will satisfy you from breakfast to dinner and everywhere in between.

*If you are unable to see the slide show you can change your settings to allow ads or you can head right on over to the collection here.

{Recipe:} Vegan Banana Muffins

There aren’t many foods that I have been really craving this pregnancy (with the exception of mint chip coconut ice cream – a flavour I usually hate) but I have been on a muffin kick and in the last week I have made two batches of muffins- one banana and the other blueberry-orange. I don’t know what it is but as soon as I started to feel a bit better I wanted to get into the kitchen to bake muffins. Side note this is a really fun activity with an 18 month old because they can help with pour, stirring and mixing.

So I really should have written down everything I did for the blueberry-orange as well because they were so good but instead I’ll share the recipe for my banana muffins instead which don’t get me wrong they were delicious as well.



  • 3 Small Bananas, mashed
  • 1/2 cup almond milk + 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar, mixed and set aside for 5-10 minutes
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup coconut sugar*
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F and line or grease a 12 cup muffin tin.
  2. In the base of an electric stand mixer with the paddle attachment mix together the banana, almond milk and apple cider vinegar mixture, coconut oil and vanilla.
  3. In a medium bowl whisk together the flour, coconut sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  4. With the mixer on low slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet. Mix until just combined.
  5. Fill the muffin tins 3/4 of the way full and then place in the oven to bake for 15-20 minutes, until lightly browned and a toothpick comes out clean.
  6. Allow to cool in the muffin tin for 4-5 minutes before removing and allowing to cool completely (or enjoy warm with earth balance).

bananamuffins_edith3  bananamuffins_1 bananamuffins_edith2

2014 Goals


Goal 1: Organized Home. This past year we have been living in a bit of chaos. When we first moved out to Oregon we found an apartment near Neil’s new job but we quickly found that it was not the right area for us so we never really settled into our apartment. Finally in September we found a new home in an area we love however do to some mover issues it took us nearly a month to completely move in and once we finally did Neil got hit with a huge project that left him working 70-80 hours per week through Christmas. Needless to say unpacking got thrown on the back burner and while we have been able to set up our main living areas (for the most part) our downstairs office room is a disaster, we have no photos hung and we still have closets with boxes in them. That all being said this is the year that we organize our home, settle in and keep up with everything.

Goal 2: Fitness. How could I plan my 2014 goals and not include something fitness related? Well the end of 2012 was not great in the fitness department. Between Neil’s insane work schedule, out of town guests and oh yeah morning sickness my workouts were pretty nonexistent all of December. Here we are in the new year and well I am officially a January joiner. We joined our local community center gym which has a pool and classes as well. While it’s not the most exciting gym it’s $53/month of Neil and I to go and Edith is free to use the pool. So we are getting into a new routine of 2 pool days/week with Edith and I am planning 2-3 gym days. When I can’t make it to the gym I have a number of prenatal workout videos at home that I have from Edith’s pregnancy and some new ones that I am excited to finally start using.

Goal 3: Be More Present. These days I seem to have so much on my mind and often don’t feel like I am staying present. My goal is to spend focused time on the things in the moment and make sure to carve out focused time for the things I love. This means spending my days with Edith being focused on her while also taking time through out the day to focus on our home and keeping it tidy. It also means carving out time each week for me to blog and do any freelance work that I want to do. It also means making sure that each month Neil and I have a date night and since October we have been going strong with this and have had our date night already this month and we have one scheduled for next month already.

Goal 4: Take More Photos. I go through phases of taking lots of photos and then taking very few. I take photos throughout the week with my iPhone but when I say my goal is to take more photos I mean photos with a real camera. I think it’s important to document our lives in photos so that we can look back at things and I also would like to improve my skills and to do so I need to spend more time taking photos. Now I’m not talking hours and hours I simply mean 5-7 days per week taking at least a few quality photos.

Goal 5: Less Screen Time. Since I have been in my first trimester I have been watching too much TV and spending too much time on my iPhone. This year I would like to spend more of my evenings doing something more productive than catching up on TV shows every night. Now I’m not saying no TV just less TV such as one show per night but not until I have done something productive and Saturday nights are fair game to watch a few shows or a movie. Also part of less screen time is spending less time throughout the day checking my twitter, IG, Facebook and e-mail on my phone. Being a SAHM I find myself reaching for my phone all too often because well it’s there and it’s my outlet to the outside world some days. This year however I want to pick my phone up less during the day. I am actually thinking of just leaving it in our bedroom and checking in on it every 90 minutes just to see if I have missed phone call or text.

What are your goals for 2014?