Wednesday Things


1. My parents are coming tomorrow or 10 days and our house is still a mess and I should probably go grocery shopping.

2. I have been keeping up with running 2-3 days per week and it feels so good. I am still working on finding time in my day for other workouts when Edith is awake and asleep.

3. Because of above I am really considering either a. getting back into regularly, weekly yoga classes or b. getting a gym membership after the holidays.

4. Neil’s Christmas party is next week and the dress I ordered just doesn’t work so now I’m on the lookout for a new dress. Any suggestions?

5. We didn’t end up going to Seattle for Thanksgiving due to Neil’s crazy work life so we didn’t have Asian food instead the morning of I decided to head to Whole Foods and buy the ingredients to make mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, broccoletti, Celebration Roast and a French Apple Tart. After many hours of preparing dinner we sat down as a family to eat and were done in 15 minutes. So much work for such a quick meal. P.S. we were starving.

6. We took Edith to the Macy’s Holiday Parade in downtown Portland and she had an amazing time. While it wasn’t as thrilling for us adults and it was freezing the little munchkin had a blast until she had a meltdown that is.

7. I have been craving hot chocolate with vegan whipped cream for days and Neil kindly went out and bought the fixings. Last night I had a glorious cup of hot chocolate.

8. I am so in the mood to watch Christmas movies at the end of the day but lately I have been putting Edith to bed and falling asleep with her (err the other night that was at 7:30pm). Why am I such an old lady?

9. I am working on a project that will start the first week of January and hope to release it to you by the 22nd. So I guess I will have to stay up later than 7:30p if I want to get any work done.

10. Lastly, I need a really amazing recipe for tortillas because I am in the mood for amazing homemade corn tortillas, pinto beans and all the fixings. Please share!

Tell me one thing. Anything.



    • We won VIP seating tickets from another PDX blog so we didn’t have to worry about seating but I would say it wasn’t as crazy as I thought it was going to be. It was SO cold though. If you arrive by 8:30 it seemed like it would be easy to get a spot on the street. there is always next year!

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