The (Real) Big News

So now that we established we are not expecting baby #2 (or 3) let me tell you the real news. We are picking up and moving 3000+ miles away from our current home.  It has been such a struggle these past few weeks not to share this information because the move has basically been consuming my life. It is also why I have had less fitness and recipe posts as well. From the time Neil was offered (and accepted) a new position at a new company to moving day we have had one month so with the holidays, finding a place to live, finding movers, having a baby to care for and other commitments we have been busy busy busy.

I have so much more to tell you but right now I’m going to watch Edith sleep and snuggle with her when she wakes up.

Today I am focusing on sending love and warm thoughts to the families involved in Fridays tragedy in Newtown CT. I am holding my baby girl and husband a little bit closer these days and being thankful for my family and friends.



  1. Renee

    Congratulations!! Best of luck on the move. That’s a HUGE undertaking! I have lots of friends near Portland they say it’s beautiful and there is quite a bit of rain. Check out joy fitness and style she lives out there and is always posting great places to eat, workout and run. She posts great family adventure spots too!

  2. Chad Ferguson

    Hope you enjoy it, I vacationed there and Seattle earlier this year and loved it. You will be able to go the Vegan Mini Mall all the time!!!! 🙂

  3. Catherine

    Awesome! I’m so jealous! I think I would love Portland..hoping to get there for vacation sometime early 2013. Good luck to you on the move! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures out there.

  4. Liz

    Congrats, how exciting! I think you will love Portland! I live in Seattle, and Portland is always my choice for short weekend trips. And definitely on the list of “places I would love to live someday.” Sooo many yummy places to eat, downtown is fabulous and the public transit there is really easy to use!

  5. WOW!!! I’ve been so awful about keeping up with blogs and posting on my own blog since our big move to New England…..Portland is an awesome place! Congrats….even though I never got to meet you up here in New England. So nice it’s another vegan-loving place, like VT 🙂 With good beer too!

  6. Lynne

    Wow, Lindsay, what huge news! I wish you all the best in your new home and life on the west coast. I think you guys will like Portland.

  7. Kerry

    Congratulations and so great to change things up! I am a Pacific Northwest Native (Seattle, living in Florida for a few years, but will be settling down in Corvallis, OR in a couple of years. Thank GOODNESS!!!! We miss the PNW!!!). From what you share on your blog, you will fit right in. Healthy lifestyle, foodie culture (especially vegan/plant based), outdoor activities are what the PNW are all about. Looks as if you already have some connections in the blog world. Great! No matter how wonderful, there are always stresses and sadness in moving so far (our 3500 mile trek to FL from Seattle was an unexpected, move-in-a-month affair as well), so if you need any advice, just ask! Good luck and I look forward to hearing of your adventures!

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