Postpartum Update: 8 Weeks

Wow how has it already been nearly a month since my last postpartum update? August was as super busy month for us between traveling to Rhode Island for a week, recovering from traveling to Rhode Island and working on getting my health coaching back up and running (I took a break for maternity leave). That being said I think I will continue to do monthly updates with tibits here and there as they come up.

So lets look at how things are going:

How I Am Healing: I would say I am about 98% there! I ended up having my 6 week appointment at 7 weeks due to our getaway to Rhode Island.  I am still having a little bleeding once in awhile so my midwife had me take a pregnancy test to see if I still had any of the pregnancy hormone left  but I didn’t so she said it is probably just due to breastfeeding.  Apparently someone continue to bleed very small amounts, intermittently while breastfeeding and I’m one of them.  Since my midwife is not concerned I’m not to worried about it either. I am feeling good physically over all and I’m cleared to get back to running.

Activity: I have been keeping up on my walking and this week I started back running! I even did a little bit of yoga as well.  I actually signed up for my first postpartum 5k just for fun.  I have no intentions of PRing, heck I’ll be happy to finish but I am really excited to get out and run it.  Neil has signed up as well and plans to run at my pace with me <– that is love.  I am planning to start postpartum yoga soon and in a few weeks Edie and I will start baby yoga (I’ll discuss this more on Naturally Family).  You can follow my workouts on DailyMile.

Weight: I haven’t weighed myself in a few weeks and I don’t plan on weighing myself until my 3 month update.  I am feeling good and I bought myself some new clothes because I know my pre-baby clothes won’t be fitting for awhile and that’s okay.

Breastfeeding: Things are still going well.  We have our ups and downs almost daily but Edie loves to eat and seems to be satisfied.  When I say ups and downs I am referring to the bouts of crying at the boob that happens at least one session per day due to Edie’s gass-iness. It is heart breaking but we are learning together how to make things better this includes not eating black beans, reducing the amount of gluten I eat, giving Edie infant gas drops, burping in-between sides (often more than once per session), holding her up after a feeding and lastly patting her back during feedings. I know that seems like a lengthy list but I/We don’t have to do that every time mostly we do just do one or two things and it helps.

If you haven’t stop over to our family blog, Naturally Family, then head over now and Meet The Family.  What’s been posted lately: Neil the sexy babywearing dad of Ergobaby, our first awkward family photo and Neil’s recap of the first few days of vacation to Rhode Island.
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  1. She’s so cute… I especially love that last photo!

    Good luck with your 5k! I’m finally getting back into running and hope to register for a 5k soon. I miss it!

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